Guide AI Automation

Unlock the full potential of your advertising with our comprehensive guide, offering practical steps to achieve superior results, including:

  • Combining Automation with AI:
    Discover how to leverage the power of automation alongside artificial intelligence to optimise your campaigns.

  • Improving Reporting and Decision-Making: Learn techniques to enhance your reporting processes, enabling more informed and strategic decisions.

  • Saving Money and Increasing Sales:
    Gain insights on cost-effective strategies that not only save you money but also boost your sales performance.

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Transform your advertising game with CRM automation on Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Learn how to improve lead quality, streamline operations, and maximise ROI.

The Power of Automation and AI in Advertising

Discover how automated bidding systems and AI enhance targeting, optimise bids in real-time, and improve lead quality, leading to increased sales or reduced advertising costs.

Integrating CRM with Advertising Platforms

Leverage first-party data from your CRM to enhance targeting options, improve lead quality, and streamline follow-up processes for superior advertising results.

First-Party Advertising Explained

Understand the benefits of first-party data, including enhanced targeting, improved customer insights, higher ROI, cross-channel consistency, and data ownership.

The Shift from Third-Party Cookies to First-Party Data

Learn how to comply with privacy regulations, enhance audience targeting precision, and improve cross-device tracking and retargeting with first-party data.

Retargeting with CRM Data Integration

Enhance retargeting campaigns by leveraging CRM data for precision targeting, dynamic ads, predictive analytics, and cross-platform consistency.


Why Use Advertising Automation with AI

Explore the key performance metrics demonstrating the effectiveness of advertising automation, including improved targeting, enhanced lead quality, streamlined operations, and budget savings.

Improving Lead Quality with Offline Conversion Tracking

Optimise for quality leads by integrating CRM lifecycle stages with ad platform targeting, ensuring better campaign performance and a higher ROI.

Automating Lead Management

Capture and manage leads efficiently with automated follow-up processes, ensuring timely and effective engagement with potential customers.

Google Ads and CRM Automation

Integrate Google Ads with your CRM for enhanced offline conversion tracking, targeted audience building, and automated lead follow-up for improved campaign performance.

Facebook Ads and CRM Automation

Improve lead quality and campaign efficiency on Facebook with offline conversion tracking, synchronised contact lists, and automated follow-up processes.

LinkedIn Ads and CRM Automation

Enhance LinkedIn advertising with CRM integration, improved lead quality, synchronised contact and company lists, and automated lead follow-up processes.